
9 Sustainable Business Growth Strategies For First Time Business Owners

by Tracey Hrica Mar 25, 2024

Picture this. It's six years from now, and you're running your business with more focus and peace of mind than ever before. Sounds great, right? As small business owners, our ultimate goal is to achieve sustainable growth and financial success. But how do you navigate the complex world of small business to ensure your company thrives in the long run? In this article, we will explore the essential strategies and tools you need to set and...

How to Master Business Credit Cards and Successfully Eliminate Debt

by Tracey Hrica Dec 05, 2023

As a small business owner, managing finances can be a tricky balancing act.  Business credit cards can be a valuable tool to keep your finances in check, but it's essential to use them wisely.  In the vast ocean of business finance, a tiny piece of plastic can be a powerful sail or an anchor—depending on how we use it.  As small business owners, we often reach for this tool without a second thought.  As an accountant, I've seen fi...

Financial Mastery: How $10,000 and Smart Financial Decisions Led to Small Business Success

by Tracey Hrica Sep 30, 2023

Starting a business can be compared to brewing a perfect cup of coffee.  You need the right blend of beans, water temperature, grind size, and timing.  But what happens when you start your blend with limited resources?  Tom's journey of launching a coffee shop with just $10,000 has lessons sprinkled with hope, resilience, and astute decision-making. The Dream: Tom was not just another coffee lover.  He dreamt of owning a coffee shop...

Six Financial Strategies Every Etsy Seller Should Embrace

by Tracey Hrica Aug 30, 2023

Ever wonder how some Etsy shops seem to thrive seamlessly while others face endless struggles? The difference often lies not in the products themselves but in the financial strategies backing those businesses.  Here's an insight into the success of Sarah, an Etsy seller just like you, and how these strategies changed her game. When Sarah first approached me, her challenges mirrored those of many Etsy sellers.  Her income was inconsist...

From Chaos to Clarity: The Power of Bookkeeping for Small Business Owners

by Tracey Hrica Aug 15, 2023

The Role of Bookkeeping in Small Business Strategy For many small business owners, eyes are often set on the future, filled with innovative visions and growth strategies. While being forward-thinking is crucial, so is managing the intricate details of day-to-day operations, particularly financial ones. Amidst the hustle and bustle of running a business, it's easy to push aside thoughts about invoices, expenditures, and cash flow. Howeve...

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